We received more information from Bang & Olufsen, who collaborated with Japanese born American artist Miya Ando to create limited edition BeoLab 12 loudspeakers, using Miya´s signature hand-brushed ‘industrial watercolor’ technique on anodized aluminium. Bang & Olufsen portfolio has used aluminium for more than 50 years, and with their team of aluminium specialists they decided to team up with an acknowledged artist to celebrate the material. The collection is being sold in an auction.
‘We have used aluminium for more than 50 years, to create high quality surfaces in a single piece with natural beauty’ quote from Ib Kongstad, Bang & Olufsen Technology Specialist.
‘The surface of metal changes and transforms constantly like light. It is very similar to what happens in music – like art music has the power of transformation and transcendence. Applying my art work and focus on graduation and transformations of colours to an aluminium loudspeaker is a perfect match for me.’
Saimme lisää tietoa Bang & Olufsenilta, joka on luonut rajoitetun sarjan BeoLab 12 kaiuttimia yhteistyössä japanilaissyntyisen, amerikkalaisen taiteilijan Miya Andon kanssa. Hän on käyttänyt ‘teollista vesiväri’ tekniikkaansa anodisoituun alumiiniin. Bang & Olufsenin portfoliossa alumiinia on käytetty yli 50 vuotta, ja yhdessä alumiinispesialistiensa kanssa he päättivät tehdä erityisprojektin materiaalista.