The innovation voucher is a grant for a new product or service development for Finnish Companies.
It is intended for SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) who have a new product or service idea with international potential, and for which the company needs external expertise. It is worth 5000€ +VAT, incl. 1000€ +VAT self-financing contribution. The innovation voucher is issued by Business Finland.
OMUUS is one of the service providers for innovation voucher. We love to be part of bringing new innovations to market. We can help startups to assess their potential for the innovation voucher and after Business Finland approval we will be there to help you to get the best tools to achieve your company goals. Here is an example of a project we did a few years back for HappyOrNot.
Testimonial HappyOrNot
Easy and measurable customer feedback with Smileys. That’s what the Finnish company HappyOrNot provides for their customers. HappyOrNot services more than 4,000 clients in 117 countries, with over 25 000 physical Smiley Terminals existing around the globe at the airports, offices, shops, etcetera. You have most likely pressed one of the four Smiley faces. Very simple and quick!
The first Smiley Terminals were installed already in 2010, and they have been well-received by B2B customers ─and their end customers.
Our first co-operation with HappyOrNot was through Business Finland innovation voucher. The assignment covered a market study, portfolio strategy creation and a design vision: CMF (Colors, Material, Finishing), industrial design and user experience vision. This co-operation lead into great long-term partnership. It has been outstanding to follow HappyOrNot’s journey to global markets.
David Zautasvili, Product Development Manager of HappyOrNottestimonial on the Innovation voucher project:
“When making investment decisions it is often the case that due to the costs involved preferred, already used suppliers/partners are used. Known, safe vs. unknown and risky. The innovation voucher lowered this barrier and helped us try something new with smaller investment risk. It is a great tool to feed fresh ideas and views to projects at a lower cost.
When hearing about the innovation voucher the first reaction was it might be a lot of work and complicated process to benefit from it. There is some paperwork that was a bit scary at first, but it was actually quite easy to handle. Good online tool to submit all documents required, and it was eventually a lot less effort than expected.
With Omuus the experience was really great and smooth – right from the start. Already when selecting the design company, the time and effort invested by Omuus was outstanding. We got an excellent design brief, to be honest it was a lot more than expected at that phase. Omuus team took the effort, listened to us, took our ideas and developed further, taking a risk of proposing a different approach to our idea. The proposal was impressive and convincing, so we took the proposed path for our design. It is great to work with designers who think for you, taking a step back and coming up with something unexpected. Omuus did just that!
Since this first design project we have been working with Omuus on all our projects with great results. With the help of Tekes and the innovaatioseteli the first step was easier to take and we got an excellent, long term partner.”
Just give us a call and let’s discuss on your idea.
Annina Verkkomäki +358 40 7680127
We offer:
7SEC.(TM)Startup is a complete service package to get started.
The package will give you a position where you can start implementing your plan.
- An assessment of the potential of innovation voucher.
Support to fill the innovation voucher application and end report.
The decision of granting the innovation voucher is made exclusively by Business Finland. - The package can be tailored to your needs.It is a deep dive into a specific area of design;
or a lighter and more comprehensive study of multiple design areas. - A joint design brief and targets to best achieve your goals, and reviews to follow the progress.
- The cost of 5000€ +VAT can be covered by an innovation voucher, or purchased separately.