“ Working with Omuus team was a very positive, inspiring and enriching experience. With the help of the Omuus team we got the keys to create a coherent visual look to support the brand creation and growth to global markets.“ – Susanna Kääriäinen, CEO Kultavilla. OMUUS...
There is a lot of interest revolving around soft materials entering the tech industry and changing how technology is perceived. Textiles create a sensorial high end feel to the technological products and enhance the sound quality of the speakers for example. Ora Ito...
The last of Omuus Scandinavian art concepts for the Ticwatch2 is the beautifully romantic flower concept by Tone Rörseth, a Norwegian creative artist and a designer based in Sweden. Tone has a unique combination of experiences across several design disciplines such as...
Did you know that your pillow could be as dirty as your kitchen sink? We use of our pillows one third of the day, nearly 3000 hours a year and because of this the pillows can expose to harmful bacteria, germs, mold and allergens, which can cause a number of severe...
Edellisen postauksen aihealueeseen liittyen lisää puusta materiaalina. Puukuidun potentiaalit ovat mielettömät ja useat projektit etsivät käyttöä tälle uusiutuvalle raakamateriaalille, kertoo 2050 Roadmap. Ruotsissa on kehitetty ainutlaatuista ja ekotehokasta...
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