The future of kitchen might be on custom printable food. These delicate geometric sugar bits have been printed with 3D Systems ChefJet™3D Printer Series. The printer adds water to soften the sugar to be printed and then mixes in alcohol so that the sugar sets once in...
Thought provoking soaps that were inspired by icebergs and glaciers in the Arctic, to bring more awareness to the global warming – much like an iceberg, the soap is slowly melting away. William Lee for Young Stellar Object.Ilmastonlämpenemiseen kantaa ottavat...
En voinut vastustaa tätä Ariele Alaskon blogin sisustusta. Ihailen hänen periaatettaan käyttää kaikkea mitä kodista löytyy, sen sijaan että ostaisi uutta. Tapettina on käärepaperia johon on painettu perunalla ja akryylimaalilla. Tapettiliisteri on vehnäjauhoista...
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